Tradeshow Products

Delta Global Sales  |  Tradeshow Supplies

Below are the items currently available for order. It is recommended that you request items at least 10 days in advance. While the request doesn't guarantee the item's availability, we will do everything possible to accommodate your request or recommend an alternative. Items will be shipped to the desired location and a return label will be included for quick return following your event. Please place an order for each event. Please do not order items for multiple events unless special arrangements have been made in advance. If items are not returned immediately following the event requested, in their original condition, you may be billed for the entire replacement value of the order.

A $50 handling fee will be added to every order.  You will be required to provide credit card information at check-out. Credit card charges will display on your statement as "Color Reflections ATL"

NOTE: Tradeshow supplies are for use by Delta sales only. Orders for other teams can be placed by emailing for pricing.